About Us
LucaMari, Phuket
LucaMari Co., Ltd. is the leading Thai resource for Italian Gelato, we operates within the fast-growing Thai market related to Italian Gelato, Ice-Cream, Pastry, Bakery and Confectionery sector.
Relying on its long experience in the field, LucaMari Co., Ltd. has become the point of reference for companies that operate in Italian Gelato, Ice-Cream, Soft Ice, frozen or traditional Pastry, Cakes and Bakery business supplying ingredients, equipment, accessories, consulting up to propose new business opportunities as well.
The unavailability of adequate ingredients in Thailand yet, gaves him the idea to create LucaMari Co. Ltd. bridging this big gap, today also implemented by several services offered to our customers helping them to realize their own Gelato business dream.

We are strongly convinced that learning is one of the major keys to success both in business and in life. Applying this concept in our sector, The ever-changing nature of Italian gelato and ice-cream sector, The continuous regular input on the market of new products and equipments,The constant technical improvement of production cycles, The incessant changes of consumers demand, All these reasons requires continuous professional learning and refreshment.
Transferring our experience and skills to others has thus allowed us both to face the changes occurring on the confectionery market and to establish a profitable exchange of ideas and knowledge.
Actually LucaMari imports almost 200 references of top-quality raw materials, ingredients, flavours, providing also equipments and accessories for the production of Italian gelato, ice cream and pastry products, all of them made and manufactured in Italy, from leading Italian top companies in the field.
ISO Certifications, HACCP system, has become fundamental elements in the choice of our suppliers.
We are proud to announce that all our ingredient manufacturers got these certification.
We are strongly convinced this is the first basic step for a successful food production and related business development.That’s why we always have available technical data-sheets concerning composition and chemical tests.

LucaMari Co., Ltd. works constantly to improve the distribution net in order to make easier and comfortable the purchase opportunities by our customers, producers and manufacturers, users of our products with the needs to get them easily.
We support customers with advices and suggestions, on both production and marketing strategies, believing it’s one of the most important services that customers need, considering that as the natural evolution of our mission.
LucaMari Co., Ltd. provides his customers with all instructions and assistance they occur, whenever and wherever needed, also arranging specific courses concerning the art of Italian gelato, ice-cream and frozen pastry making.
The diffusion of Italian Gelato, ice cream and modern pastry in Thailand represents the main final goal of LucaMari Co., Ltd.

Still having our own gelato shop in Italy, after 20 years of activity, continuous daily direct experience as gelato producer, and consequent immediate consumers feedback, represents our experience, enabling us to manage our own Italian Gelato shop with excellent results and great satisfaction. While keeping in with tradition, following the old recipes developed by our family, we have attended several courses to maintain our knowledge and skills always updated.
Amazing Thailand has always been for us the better place to relax ourselves after a hard year of work, until we got the opportunity to prove our experience even in this beautiful country.
It happened in 2001, simply answering the consulting requests of a local producer. It started just like a pleasure to a friend, up to 2004 when it became a real new opportunity of business.
It was a period of friendly collaboration and advising, until the start-up of an Italian Gelato laboratory, for the production and wholesale of Italian home-made gelato and ice cream, today a real factory. At the same time the research of a better quality of ingredients became a real need. Despite the general standstill due to the Tsunami in 2004, in which we were directly involved, we have received a positive feedback from market and consumers.
Thanks to the highly positive guest’s feedback, the real Gelato consumers, the most famous deluxe hotels have become our main customers. In November 2005 we also had the honour to serve HRH Princess Soamsawali on the opening of the Y.W.C.A. International Bazaar in Bangkok. Although the difficulties this challenge entails, the results so far obtained leaved us optimistic about the future of the Italian Gelato in Thailand. However, after the natural disaster the company assets and people involved have been forced to adequate plans and objectives at the new difficult situation, creating the condition for the LucaMari Co., Ltd. adventure launched in 2006. Nowadays we still have Gelato shop in Italy, getting benefits to share this direct experience with our clients in the Thai Market, offering the best opportunities for the development and profitability of Gelato businesses. And of course we support and supply the same Gelato factory together several other Gelato producers in Thailand.